Insights for action
More soaring, less thud
July often starts out soaring, and then goes thud. Can we do something about this? I mean, one minute it's all America the Beautiful, and I'm admiring West Michigan's amber waves of grain and cheering the MHF volunteers in our small town of Dorr's 4th of July Parade....
World Health Organization: 3 key facts for actionable freedom
With the World Health Organization (WHO) in the news again (when is it not?) constitutional conservatives are concerned. Fortunately, the facts support actionable freedom. He who would take over the world must first control the money, the data, and the minds of men....
Celebrate Healthcare Freedom Defenders: a Call for Nominations
Watching (often depressing) Lansing bill hearings this week created a sense of urgency. We need to celebrate legislators who actively defend our healthcare freedoms! As you know, healthcare freedom is under perpetual attack in Lansing. It would be easy to get...
Public Health: the Backwater of Healthcare
I've written before about public health being the backwater of healthcare. However, today my local health department not only reinforced the point, it may have set a new standard for backwardness. Longtime subscribers may remember the Covid Sanity Fact Sheet, which we...
The Meaning of the MHF Logo
Readers might assume the Michigan Healthcare Freedom (MHF) logo refers to the medical caduceus, but that’s only part of the story. Caduceus: historic symbol of messenger, healing, and commerce The caduceus of ancient mythology and classical literature was carried by a...
Cancel culture is a problem in the freedom movement
Cancel culture is active in the healthcare freedom movement, and it's a problem. I experienced a (relatively mild) case of it this week, and failed to respond effectively. Writing this article helped me think through a better way. I hope it helps you, too. Cancel...
We Need Help! Call for Volunteers
Grow healthcare freedom with us! The HEAL Michigan 2024 Legislative Report Card
How to Forum II: Cut Through the Intensity
Healthcare and health policy are intense, and our goal at the MHF Forum is to help you cut through the intensity to the information you want. Forum topics have exploded since my first How to Forum article. There are over 600 posts on topics that impact our healthcare....
Calling for Public Comment on Discriminatory MDHHS Standards
Recent campus displays of woke antisemitism have ignited public opposition to discriminatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies across the U.S. Unfortunately, the State of Michigan is doubling down on discriminatory DEI policies through its bureaucratic...
Jeff Foxworthy, Michigan-style 🦊
Remember the Jeff Foxworthy jokes that started with, "You might be a redneck if ..."? Claiming the percentage of my heritage that qualifies as redneck, I loved Foxworthy's humor. But it wasn't funny this week when MDHHS did its own variation of the redneck joke with...