Michigan Healthcare Freedom

What Are the Sharing Organizations?

by | Aug 5, 2021


What Are the Sharing Organizations?

Faced with economic and political pressures, freedom-minded families and small business owners are turning to health sharing. Membership in these alternatives to health insurance exploded post-ACA. With uncertain economic times, both older and new models are positioning for new markets.

Health Sharing org

Sharing is Different

A closer look reveals a philosophy very different from today’s insurance.

  1. Emphasis on community and faith-based sharing with fellow believers.
  2. Generally intended for higher healthcare expenses, as insurance used to be.
  3. Supports a lifestyle of best prices and choice. Shopping is known to drive quality and exert downward price pressure on the healthcare market.
  4. Empowers a broader range of individual care choices. (No more insurance protocols.)

Next, I briefly introduce the most popular faith-based and secular health sharing organizations. All qualify for exemption from ACA mandates and typically cost less than insurance premiums.

Faith-Based Sharing

Health sharing began with faith-based organizations from 1981-1995. Of the four listed below, none require affiliation with a particular denomination, however members must affirm church membership and/or regular attendance. This reflects both community principle, and the fact that individual health is statistically linked to regular church attendance.

In addition, expectation of a faithful lifestyle is a practical method of keeping member costs low. In this they were extraordinarily successful through the Obamacare years: as insurance premiums steadily rose, health sharing fees at times actually decreased.

Christian Healthcare Ministries Disclosure: If you join CHM through this link, I may receive a discount.
Liberty HealthShare
Samaritan Ministries

Secular Health Sharing

Secular health sharing caught on more recently. Two have been recommended by people I know:

Zion Heath discounts members of Direct Primary Care.
Sedera requires members to sign a statement of belief in community.

I suggest exploring all these organization websites, because they all operate differently. For example, some will negotiate hospital fees for you; others coach you to do so. Each approach and pricing structure is unique. In a break from early practice, several now provide for pre-existing conditions.

Weighing the differences will help you find the best fit for your needs.

Research Tips:

Explore each website and take notes on each organization that interests you.
Items to compare:
• monthly share levels
• annual fee
• signup fee
• personal responsibility amount per year or episode
• annual or episode maximum
• extra options and prices
• prescription options

The Trust Factor

Both insurance and sharing rely on mutual trust. To verify trustworthiness, consider the tone and reputation of each organization. Ask people you know who are current members for their perspective to help you decide the trust factor.

Once you finish your research, take the mystery out of comparing prices between Insurance and Health Sharing with your personal free Guide.

Fall 2022 Prices Update:

In response to economic and political pressures, some sharing prices have increased, while upcoming subsidies may lower some insurance premiums. Get your Step-by-Step Guide for accurate comparison.

** Updated October 22, 2022.

*** Learn how state law can deduct health sharing on your tax return 

Added June 7, 2023


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