Michigan Healthcare Freedom

We interrupt lame πŸ¦† duck for this important πŸ† message

by | Dec 6, 2024

An MHF member asked a great Lame Duck question this week. I can’t wait to tell you how directly it connects to presenting the MHF Defender Award in Lansing on Tuesday, December 2.

Lame Duck woes

Michigan citizens who love healthcare freedom are cringing as lame duck legislators plunge our state even deeper into Marxism.

  • Momnibus
  • Entrenching abortion
  • Tightening vaccine waivers
  • Insurance mandates
  • And much, much more

Elections are over, and the new legislature isn’t seated until January, so what are concerned, responsible citizens supposed to do for accountability during Lame Duck?

MHF legislator accountability tools don’t expire.

1. The MHF Report Card lets citizens encourage good legislator votes, and discourage bad ones, at any time of year.

The 2023 Report Card score is part of the record. It captured every health-related bill vote, and legislators can’t change that score.

However, they still have a chance to raise their score on the 2024 Report Card.

Tell them so!

2. The MHF Forum Toolbox lets people watch hearings, learn, and comment on healthcare freedom bills..

(Here’s some real science for you: people behave differently when they know they’re being watched. So watch – and tell them so.)

3. Public awards are rare for legislators, yet they may be the most effective accountability tool of all.

That’s why presenting the MHF Defender Award on Tuesday was so much fun.

A good friend of MHF drove us to Lansing between bands of lake effect snow, and took photographs to commemorate the event.

Four legislators had been nominated for this award based upon their individual actions defending healthcare freedoms while serving in committee.Β 

It was a pleasure to meet them, introduce MHF, and exchange a few stories while presenting their certificates of recognition and the final MHF Defender Award.

lame duck accountability MHF Defender Award

The House was in session with a long list of bill votes, so a Sergeant at Arms delivered a note to the floor for me.Β Β 

lame duck accountability MHF Defender Award

Representative Jamie Thompson

Representatives Thompson and Steele came out soon after the final gavel.

lame duck accountability MHF Defender Award

Representative Donni Steele

Senator Albert was the sole nominee from West Michigan.Β 

lame duck accountability MHF Defender Award

Senator Thomas Albert

Finally, we met Senator Runestad in his office overlooking the capitol building.

After presenting his certificate of recognition, I presented Senator Runestad with the MHF Defender Award, as the final winner by majority of reader votes.

β€œI will treasure this award always,” the senator said. β€œAnd when I leave here, it goes with me.”

lame duck accountability MHF Defender Award

Senator Jim Runestad

Please thank and congratulate these legislators for defending healthcare freedoms in Michigan. By doing so, you will help set a clear standard and promote legislator accountability.


If you found this article an encouragement during lame duck (or any other time), please share it.

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