Michigan Healthcare Freedom

What is Direct Primary Care?

by | Feb 23, 2022

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an affordable model of self-pay care that increasingly appeals to both patients and physicians. DPC fits well with health sharing membership and good medication shopping skills to provide maximum healthcare savings.

By definition, DPC should exclude insurance and associated headaches. This model achieves an outstanding array of healthcare freedom benefits for both the patient and the physician. True DPC will:

  • return relationship and autonomy Direct Primary Care DPC MHF
    to the center of care
  • eliminate cookie-cutter protocols, mandates, and formularies
  • save money
  • reduce complexity
  • prioritize more time for care
  • offer more office services
  • eliminate reimbursement incentives
  • individualize care
  • no third party billing, coding, or copays

Direct Primary Care works like a membership

Patients save time, money, and frustration. They sign up for monthly payments in the $50-$85 range, or pay a reduced annual rate. Most can expect to get into the office within a day or two. Visits are about care, not payment. Often included in the price: common labs, medications, minor procedures, and text or video access. Some add family members at a reduced rate.

On the other hand, physicians retake control of their professional autonomy and their schedule. A major benefit is getting to spend evenings with family instead of clicking boxes on electronic records.

Primary care practices are the most common DPC adopters, but Urology, Dermatology, Podiatry, and other specialties also enjoy the freedom of this model.

How do I find a DPC Practice in Michigan?

  1. DPC maps are the Wild West, with all sorts of innovators trying to capture the market. Both of these free market leaders are worth checking out: The Wedge of Health Freedom, and the DPC Frontier Mapper.
  2. In addition, new practices are constantly starting up. To be sure you don’t miss out, search your nearest city + Direct Primary Care and DPC.
  3. Share this article and grow the conversation. Ask around for DPC recommendations, and give your own. What does DPC quality mean to you and your doctor?

Final tips:

DPC is attracting major employers, cities, counties, and other government units. Their DPC-like arrangements will save costs for employee healthcare benefits.

However, be alert: in the end, third party involvement always costs patients and physicians in lost autonomy.

Direct Primary Care practices are unique and vary widely. Shop well, and don’t be afraid to ask offices for all the information you need to find the best fit!


Updated with minor edits on April 2, 2024

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